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Frequently Asked Questions

In case you want to ask us about something, try out these FAQs first

How can I change my shipping address?

You can update the shipping address, payment method, and more, by visiting Your Orders in Your Account. Changes are possible for orders that haven’t entered the shipping process.

How Long does it take to deliver a package?

We calculate delivery estimates by adding the transit time to the estimated shipping date. We offer fast delivery services that can have your package delivered in less than 24 hours

Why is My Shipment Status unchanged?

For most shipments, we provide only milestone tracking which means it may take some time before a new tracking event is displayed. Your package continues to travel to its destination despite the time between the tracking events.

Why Must I Make Payment Immediately At Checkout?

This is to ensure that your package is cleared for delivery and not put on hold. Without the payment, It will be difficult for your package to be cleared for delivery.

How long do I get support?

Don't hesitate to call us, we're here to help you. Your email inquiry will be sent directly to our Customer Service, and we will work to help you out until your package is delivered.

How can I track my shipment

You can track your shipment using our website or one of our online portals. Usually your merchant or online shop sends you a link to track your shipment.

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Sunday Closed

Mon – Sat 8.00 – 1800

Columbia, SC 29201

USA, New York – 10620

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At GlobalCargo Shipping, our clients come first.

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